I enjoyed your write up on this subject; all aspects covered. This question often echoes around the hustle culture arena and to an extent it works. As more people (from the hustle culture) "graduates" into starting a business and hiring people the idea of going to college to succeed will keep on taking punches.

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So many strong points raised in this 👏

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Thank you! :)) Also, had to use a photo of the arts precinct. It’s stunning around this time of the year.

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I just graduated from high school, and am considering taking a Psychology degree.

I've had this thought too, like, I could've learned Psychology myself from the abundance of free online courses.

But I feel like my learning will be less structured. These past few months at home I feel like I've achieved less(read less articles, participated in less competitions, read less books, etc) because of the lack of routine, structure, and pressure.

College is good because it gives you that. And thankfully college in my country(Indonesia) only costs a fraction of what it is in Australia and even the US. (2000 USD can be said to be the most expensive it can get, with an average of around 350 USD per semester)

Also, as someone who has no life and stays at home almost every day, College will surely offer me an opportunity to connect with people.

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