Shocking you didn’t get in. Obviously their loss.

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I’ve the best subscribers fr.

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Robin, you won't believe but the exact same thing happened with me. After finishing my graduation is Law applied for Master's programmes because everyone has been telling me since long that I'm really well suited for Academia. I took that suggestion to heart, and was anticipating a complete breakdown if I get rejected. But when the rejection happened, there was a sense of relief in my heart, and eventually I realised I won't be happy in academia, even as I'm "well-suited" for it. I made up my mind to do practice as a Lawyer, started this Substack, and for the first time I feel certain about what I wanna do in life, career-wise. :)

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Awesome! Best of luck with practicing Law and keep us posted along your journey!

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Thanks you so much! The legal part of the journey's gonna be a bit boring. The literary part you can find on my Substack :)

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As on door closes another door opens. Maybe in the future, when the time is right you will go on and do your PHD but for now there are plenty of things coming your way that will allow you to share what you are passionate about and I for one loom forward to following your journey.

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Thanks, Richard! Really excited to see where this new chapter will lead.

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I’m looking at a possible new chapter as well as I’m seriously thinking about starting writing and maybe starting my own Substack. I have no idea what I’ll write about but I think it’s time.

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Hit me up soon with a Zoom call if you need some help, Richard! Shoot me an email.

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That's well said and well-voiced, friend :)

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Robin, good energy coming from this post, I loved it. Been through my fair share amount of school application processes, I know the anxiety, and I know the drill of getting from one degree to another and missing the time to actually think about what one actually want. I am happy to see you now have the chance to do all that. Stay true to your self, stay free and liberated, and continue to produce. We as your subscribers will be on the other side of the screen to support what you do.

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Like the great Rick Rubin said, “All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now. If you have an idea you're excited about and you don't bring it to life, it's not uncommon for the idea to find its voice through another maker.”

Keep creating for yourself and let us stuff our intellect with your insights! Love what you’re doing Mr. Waldun!

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Rick Rubin's absolutely on the money with that one. Also thank you for your kind words Christopher. :)

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In a podcast episode (recommended by Nathanial Drew) featuring Rick Rubin, the podcast host Brianna Wiest said this very quotable bit: "And that was one of the first great lessons in my life which is: the road you take to step away from [your] calling becomes the path that leads you to [your] calling." https://open.spotify.com/episode/53CHtcJIduDblbLvNwQ3R1?si=754aad6915dc4a80

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Best reaction. I will wait patiently for all the things to come; I’m sure they’ll be awesome. 🤩🤩

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Robin, rounding out the newsletter with best news reaffirms the work you've already done. Biggest congratulations. Making academia accessible, interesting, and relational to our lives is the work of an educator.

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This short piece is a fantastic example of the fluidity of finding your place in the world. People like to imagine life, plan ahead, as if it's a straight journey from step 1 to step 2 and beyond, but the reality is much more as you have described. An ever-evolving picture that sort of paints itself as you go, filled with many twists, turns and unexpected surprises. Good luck with everything the future has planned for you!

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Robin, it’s amazing how you turned rejection into clarity and excitement! Congrats on the TEDx Oxford invite—can’t wait to see what’s next!

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Hey Robin, thank you for sharing your thoughts about this topic. Some months ago I was in a similar position to you. I was accepted to a PhD programme, but ended up only making the shortlist for funding, which meant the PhD was as good as gone. It felt strange, mainly because (as I found out later) my identity had become so entwined with academia I couldn’t conceive a future without it (as much as I told myself I could).

But soon afterwards I had similar thoughts to your own. Sure, I could have spent three to four years researching a very niche topic in philosophy and chasing down references. There’s value in that. But was it what I really wanted? Why have I been writing on here and reading more widely and writing fiction over the last few months? Maybe because there was, in the end, more to my identity than academia. And, I realised, I might as well use those three to four years well.

It’s comforting to know I’m not alone in these thoughts. All the best for your future projects, Robin! I’ll be looking out for them.

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Thank you so much for this update! We need more stories from young humanities people about their anxieties about what happens after graduation and how they overcome them.

I'm currently holding both doors open: a life with and without a PhD and all of its implications for what might or might not happen after. While still genuinely interested in pursuing a successful application, I also really enjoy whatever (non-academic professional) life throws at me: writing reviews, teaching, archive work, making zines, working for an exhibition, etc.

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Great! I am so happy for you, Robin!

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Oh goodness, I withdrew from my PhD last month and felt exactly the same as you. Joy and relief waved its way into better sleep patterns and better blood work! I’m over the moon to feel better and I can’t wait to see what’s next for you!

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Yeah, right?! Good on you for leaving at the right time, and good luck with this new chapter filled with better health and excitement!

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Thank you so much! It’s feeling so good and right. Just need some numbers to flow now and boom, Jackpot. Excited to see your next steps!

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Aww, I'm so happy for you, Robin. Your response to the rejection said all you needed to know. I'm so excited for your next chapter!

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Come down to Melbourne and let's have a literary summer!

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Perth has better beaches 💅 (sounds great!)

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You have worked hard :)

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You were a really good Literature student, and you still are, so keep it up, bro!

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